Next to bl. 55 in "Izgrev" 150 parking spaces with lighting and peripheral landscaping will be built

Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Posted by: Стефан Минчев

The people from Izgrev complex were extremely active in applying for the new municipal program "My city, my neighborhood, my street" and there started the implementation of another approved project. Next to bl. 55 a parking lot for 150 cars is being built. Along with it, new lighting will be installed, there will be nice sidewalks and peripheral landscaping. The work on the program is done in constant communication with the citizens. First, they state what they want. An idea scheme is prepared, presented to the house managers, and they discuss it with the neighbors. Then, they return remarks to the Municipality, and it makes the necessary corrections and presents a final version, which is again considered by the citizens, and then the implementation begins.

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