To the members of SEC: You can receive your remuneration not only in cash but also via bank transfer

Thursday, 1 April 2021
Posted by: Стефан Минчев

Burgas municipality reports that the payment of the remunerations of the members of sectional electoral comities will be conducted by territorial directions and can be done in three ways:

-In cash

-To a personal bank account

-To a bank account of an explicitly authorized person

If you want your remuneration to be paid via bank transfer, state the IBAN of your account in the day of the elections. It is not mandatory to present a certificate from the bank if the account is PERSONALLY yours. If you state the bank account of another holder, it is necessary for them to be authorized with a notarized power of attorney which you need to present.

The payment at the cash register will be conducted by a schedule that Burgas municipality will announce in an additional message.


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