Participate in the poetry competition for young authors “The new reality”

Monday, 15 March 2021
Posted by: Мариета Ханджиева
новата реалност.jpg

Is there a place for poetry in the world of high technology and digitalization, can the social isolation imposed by the pandemic become a creative stimulus, what kind of world would we like to live in and what kind of world would we like to leave to our descendants? You can present the answers to these and other questions in the poetry competition “The  new reality” which is being held within the art fest of the same name, which is being held on the 22nd and 23rd of May. Young authors aged between 15 and 25 can participate with up to 2 authored poems.

Each work must contain three names of the author, age and contact phone number.

The works must be sent to e-mail: [email protected] by 17.00 on 10.05.2021.

The best authors will be awarded, and the 10 works awarded by a competent jury will be read during the celebrations of the art festival "New Reality".

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