The English Highschool’s national online essay competition “Man is everything/Chovekut e vsichko/” has opened for registration

Monday, 15 March 2021
Posted by: Мариета Ханджиева

Starting tomorrow, March 16, the registration for participation in the third anniversary edition of the Municipal online competition for writing an essay "Man is everything", organized by ELS /AEG/ "Geo Milev", begins. This year it is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the school and the 96th anniversary of the death of the poet, publicist and translator Geo Milev on 15.05.2021.

The online competition for writing an essay on a moral problem in Bulgarian is for the “Geo Milev – Essayist” Award, for translation of text / prose / from Bulgarian into English for the “Geo Milev – Translator” Award and for drawing and illustration for the Award “Geo Milev- artist”.

All students from VIII - XII grade from the schools on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria have the right to participate. The term for registration of the participants is from 12.00 on 16.03.2021 to 12.00 on 15.04.2021.

The registration form can be found at: By April 16, 2021, all successfully registered participants will receive an email with instructions for activities on the day of the competition.

The competition for writing an essay on a moral issue and for translating a text / prose / from Bulgarian into English will be held on April 18, 2021 from 10.30 to 12.00. The deadline for submission of works from the competition for drawing and illustration is from 12.00 on 16.03.2021 to 12.00 on 18.04.2021. The results of the competition will be announced by 05.05.2021.

The online competition is organized by ELS /AEG/ "Geo Milev", with the assistance of the Municipality of Burgas and the school board. Information about the regulations of the competition and the evaluation criteria can be found on the website of the competition "Man is everything/Chovekut e vsichko/" and on the website of ELS /AEG/ "Geo Milev" or at:


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