The traffic light on the intersection of bul. "Yanko Komitov" and bul. "Yakim Yakimov" will be removed
In relation with the building of a roundabout under project "Integrated city transport in Burgas" from the intersection of bul. "Yanko Komitov" and bul. "Yakim Yakimov" will be removed the traffic light. A temporary organization of traffic is in effect. Drivers are advised to be careful and to obey the…
The mayor Dimitar Nikolov and the Prime minister Boyko Borisov opened the new "Flora"
Hundreds of residents of Burgas came to the opening of the modern Expo center "Flora - Burgas". Before stepping in the exhibition halls the people enjoyed the rich program. The kids participated in a drawing competition; dance and cheer-leading groups from different schools presented their performances. Ensemble "Strandja" showed again…
The traffic around the Mineral baths will be temporarily restricted
Today /Friday/ will closed for traffic the road of the roundabout in Vetren/Banevo to the entrance of park "Mineralni bani". This is imposed due to construction works for development of the archeological complex Aquae Calidae. Municipality Burgas apologizes for the temporary inconvenience.
Three domes of the church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" were consolidated
The consolidation of the church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" continues. With a special carbon fiber are fully covered the eastern and western dome. Nearly finished is the consolidation of the northern dome, and work is pending on the south. Consolidation of the construction is done on the ring of…
Part of str. "Slivnitsa" is being closed for reconstruction
Municipality Burgas announces, that from Monday, 11 May, str. "Slivnitsa" /from "Hristo Botev" to "Aleksandrovska"/ will be closed for traffic. There will be reconstruction work, which is expected to last around 2 months. Until the reconstruction is finished the vehicles can move through str. "Apostol Karamitev" - "Mara Gidik". Municipality…