The Puppet Theater with its first performance in the new Library - children and parents watch "How Easy" on Sunday

Четвъртък, 8 Април 2021
Публикувано от: Анелия Казакова

The show is free and is a gift from the Municipality of Burgas to all small, large and even bigger fans of puppetry.

The educational and very interesting performance "How easy" will be the debut performance of DKT-Burgas in the new building of the Library. The show is suitable for children over 4 years of age and will delight kids and parents on April 11 / Sunday / from 16.00 in the Auditorium, 3rd floor.

The author of the production is Julia Karakasheva, director - Ivanka Yonkova, set designer - Svila Velichkova, music - Boris Chakarov, duration 40 min.

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